Please dowload and print the application form at the
link below. Once you have completed the form, either
post to us with cheque and required documents.
Made payable to Kings Arms & Cheshunt Angling Society
Current Membership Card
Current Bailiff Card (if applicable)
Self addressed envelope with correct postage
senior citizen
PRICE: £50.00 + £10.00 Joining Fee
If you are renewing from last season you can join again
by just paying the standard senior fee. If you wish to join as a new member or it has been
more than 1 season since you were last a member then you will also need to pay the joining fee.
family ticket
PRICE: £110.00 + £20.00 Joining Fee
Member and partner plus the children of either or both, under the age of 18 living at the same address.
disabled ticket
PRICE: £50.00 + £10.00 Joining Fee
Member and partner plus the children of either or both, under the age of 18 living at the same address.
1st Oct - 31st mar ticket
PRICE: £60.00 + £10.00 Joining Fee
Concessions for full time students over 16 (with letter from school/college).
New adult members will receive a fishery key free of charge. Replacements will be charged at £10 each).
senior membership
PRICE: £100.00 + £20.00 Joining Fee
If you are renewing from last season you can join again
by just paying the standard senior fee. If you wish to join as a new member or it has been
more than 1 season since you were last a member then you will also need to pay the joining fee.
PRICE: £10.00
If you wish to add your spouse as addition to the adult ticket.